Welcome to my site.
Here you will be presented with my Portfolio, info about me, and info on how to reach me.
Under Misc. you will find my web designs, test codes, music and more.
Thank you for your interest
Me |
Daniel Green Hersing
a Creative Mind
I have a masters degree in Communication Studies with my thesis in Performance Design and Informatics.
My education makes me the best candidate for a job in cultural firms where concepts and events are made.
My education has brought me knowledge in the areas of aesthetics, usability and great design.
I have learned what it will say to be a team leader, and what will have to be done to complete a task according to schedule.
Beside my educational values, i have played the guitar in over a decade, where everything is self-taught, which proves the point that the goal will be reached.
I also enjoy a lot of creative photographing, photoshop-play and web designing, which shows that my passion is within the field of innovation and creativity.
In work related context: I hate to be late, so i will always be there before or on time, and one of my personal mottos is
"Never let others down"
, which mean i will do my best to deliver a perfect piece of work.
I am service minded and accommodating, and easy to be around. I will always be there with a smile and a helping hand.
But that doesn't mean i'm afraid to say what needs to be said.
Former Collaborators
Click on their names to visit their website
Gentofte Kommune
Kultur Klub Gentofte
Det gamle Danmarks Akvarium
Instituttet for Blinde og Svagsynede
Dansk Blindesamfund
AirPlay Street Gallery
My skills |
Here can read about my skills in the fields that i am educated and able to work in.
I have been working with digital design, mainly photoshop editing, but I do have more skills than that. My education has given me the skills to create and design events, performances, concerts and art shows. I know the Aesthetics, Practical and Analytics from an Experience Economy point-of-view.
I have been working with webdesign a few years now and therefore I know the most important things for designing the perfect website. HTML, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQurey, DOM, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Usability and Usability Evaluation are just some of the skills I have learned over the years. My education has given me the skills above, and the ability to find the flaws in designs.
Photography and Video
I don't own the most expensive equipment, but I still create great photos with my camera. Apart from that I have learned a lot from editing pictures in Lightroom and sometimes Photoshop. I have also worked with filming, making effects in After Effects and editing videos in Final Cut Pro, Lightroom and iMovie